The TEDexUTFSM's exhibition


The last november 12th, 2012 in Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (campus Santiago), was organized the TEDex version of this institution.

In the exhibition, I could hear differents exhibitors like Iván Vera, Julián Ugarte, Claudio Dib, Pedro Huichalaf and Benito Baranda. All this people are prominent in the areas of education, engineering, innovation, public policy and design.

At this event I went with a friend and ex partner of this university, he is called David Vega.

I enjoyed the exhibition of Iván Vera, he talked about innovation and the way of how we can do it.

A important exhibition that I considered was the presentation of Benito Baranda talking about social activism, in this area  we understood the reality of chilean poverty and the challenges for eradicate in a short future.

All this exhibition helped me to build my ideas with another perspective and gave me a energetic hit full of enthusiasm.

Finally, if you can attend other events TEDex in your city or country, don't think twice. If you want to see the video of this event, please visit

Did you use TED? Tell me what you think


  1. I didn't know that TED exhibitions were making in Chile too. I was sure that they're making at US and UK. This is great!

    take care!

  2. Hi Yanko
    Is a event interest for people committed to society!
    I had no idea that there were


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