Germany: A country I would like to visit

I have a lot of dreams, some of this is travel to other countries, I never have been travel out of my beautiful Chile. If I can do it one day, I would love travel to Germany, I think is a beautiful country, the arquitecture of the cities around lakes or rivers, obviously all that I say is for the pictures that I have seen in the Google searcher (LOL).

The stadiums of football teams are a interesting place to visit, now they are the best football teams of the last years.

I would visit the city of Hamburg, I love the pictures of this place.

I know that the problem to travel here will be the difficult of the lenguage, but is just some of practice.

I would really love to taste all kinds of traditional foods of the country. Ñam.

By now is just a  dream, but who know..

Um Geld zu sammeln!

See you next week with another blog post.


  1. A friend of mine was talking about germany the other day. Also, I have three German students and the things they say about the country sound interesting.

    Hope you can make it ti Germany someday.



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