A day I will always remember

Hello classmates, nice week. Today I will remember a day that happened and that I will never forget.

I had about 5 years old, I was crying because I wanted a toy for play like my neighbors,  but the problem was that my mom and grandma no had money. We lived in the camp, we was not rich people. My neighbors didn't play with me for this condition.

At these time my grandma talked with me and she said: "The poverty is just a condition, the important is have a great heart for to do good things." "If you does good things, the material things will come to you." "The life gives rounds and when you will be great all this problems will desappear, you will be happy and you  never will surrender"

This words have been amazing. My grandma had reason, the most important is live the life thinking in be happy and to do good things, the material things just come.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Your Grandmother was so right!!!

    Money is not always important. What's in your heart is what really matters.

    Remember to check my blog to see what's going on in the class.

    Please, I need you to answer some questions here: http://www.lapetus.uchile.cl/japeto/interior.php?id=105


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