Talking about ideal jobs

Hello people, this week I will write about my ideal job. Is not easy decide about what is the most interesting and ideal job for me, because in my mi mind I have about 3 or 4 jobs, but in this post I will talk about be a  travel and food critic , your life is around the world, traveling, talking and testing different places and foods. 

At same time you can know people that have different ideas of the things that happen. Never in my life I traveled to another country, this job will be ideal for fulfill this dream.

I would start this job traveling for Europe, Asia, Africa and all continents how are possible.
Obviously will be interesting maybe start in Chile, knowing all his places and culture.

Another ideal job is works in your house, without the need of wake up soon in the morning, and no need to travel to another place. In a few years, in the future I hope work in my own house in Navidad, maybe controlling some enterprise or entrepreneurships the I think crate soon.

Staying at home you need coordinate everything , and be serious trying to complete your hours of work without distractions. 

This year I have been working in web developing in the house where I live in Santiago, and is a nice result, I can listen the music that I love and I have a lot of time for relaxing because I spend in this the time that a I could use traveling to the office.


  1. Hey, Yanko. I've worked at home and it gets boring at some point. being locked in your house is a bit depresing, even.

    You should travel the world instead. That's a lot better. It will open your eyes and you'll learn a lot about other cultures and yourself.

    Take care.



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