A chilean celebration

Hey guys, today I'll tell you about a celebration where I went. I remember it was september 18th, 2010, we celebrate the bicentenary of chilean independence. We did it in my town called San Rafael with all my family. The celebrations of my family like this time, always are oriented to a chilean ambientation; we make a roasted, we prepare salads with vegetables of our garden, all we lunch at the same table forcing enjoy between all.

While we prepare the foods, some of us were dancing and listening 'cueca', playing with 'trompo', kites and 'bolitas'. (All this are traditional sport here in Chile).

We were about 13 persons and come the family from differents places, places like San Antonio, Rapel, San Enrique and Navidad.

When we end the celebration the young integrants of family, we travel to the Pino's hill, here talk about something interesting, differents themes and topics. We sit to remember the past when we were childs.

It is a beautiful day, all my family enjoys this day and is the oportunity for union and friendship.

Mi family, the Antivilo's family have a national tradition own of the huasa earth.

Ok, maybe I'll cry, were beautiful times, a great celebration with the people that I loved.

See you in the next post, maybe the next week.


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